Christmas Activities 2022
Another Christmas at The Clocktower over with all the usual fun events and activities had by all. The seasonal festivities started with the Fint Christmas lights switch-on, where a number of our very own Thursday performing arts group were invited to perform a number songs that really set the tone for the month.
During the month, our service users attended a number of events from the local area along with the ones hosted at Clocktower HQ. Next on the festive itinery, was our Christmas Jumper day which gave everyone, including staff, the opportunity to display their most favourite jumper!
Next up was our Christmas Party, which went brilliantly with everyone in attendance stating how much they enjoyed the event. This was soon after followed up with our Christmas Meal at a near-by pub. Due to the numbers involved, this was split over a number of days. The food was very nice and we could like to extend our thanks to The Crown Inn, Lixwm who hosted the event and did a first class job in doing so.
To round-off the actvities before the big day, a number of service users attended Aladdin pantomine at Rhyl Pavillion Theatre. This again was enjoyed by all and lead us up nicely to Christmas itself.
So now that we are in 2023, we would like to extend our hopes that everyone has a happy year and we are looking forward to receiving everyone, old and new at The Clocktower.